Low-Carbohydrate Nutrition Coaching
Providing you with the tools, guidance, and accountability to forge a sustainable lifestyle in alignment with your personal goals to achieve optimal health.
Fulfilling a need in alignment with evidence
Current Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) indicates an Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range of 45-65% of daily calories from carbohydrate, 10-35% from protein, and 20-35% from fat. With a growing body of scientific research demonstrating the safety and efficacy of carbohydrate restriction to prevent and potentially reverse a variety of conditions associated with Metabolic Syndrome, well-formulated, low-carbohydrate approaches are finally being acknowledged for their benefits.
With the popularization for these dietary approaches, there is a lot of misguided and conflicting information on the internet that can be difficult to navigate. Our dietitians are uniquely equipped and trained to work with individuals seeking guidance on carbohydrate restriction. While there is no ‘one size fits all’ plan when it comes to nutrition it is important to work with a nutrition professional that is best suited for you.
Who we are
Our team of Registered Dietitians and scientific researchers at The Volek Lab Group confidently align the growing body of literature conducted both in-house and by colleagues worldwide to deliver a brand of nutrition coaching that achieves client goals. We understand carbohydrate restriction can be a dramatic dietary shift, and fully embrace the challenges associated with this lifestyle adjustment. Your wellness is our priority. Our extensive training and expertise in human nutrition should instill you with the confidence that together we can craft an optimal lifestyle that will enable you to be the best version of yourself.
Not feeling keto right now? No problem! We work with clients on a variety of dietary approaches ranging from low-carb to keto.
Work with us

We work with clients to develop a personalized plan that will help them to sustainably achieve their goals. Our team utilizes Healthie, an easy-to-use, HIPAA-approved telehealth platform to organize client information, schedule appointments, and share documents and other useful information with our clients. Available on any smartphone (and computer), Healthie allows our team to maintain secure communication with our clients to address questions that may arise, such as those related to symptoms, recipe ideas, or even guidance through situations such as dining out.
60 minutes–After our Discovery Call
During your initial consultation, we will assess your health and nutrition status by reviewing your medical and nutrition history, analyzing your 24-hour Food Recall, and learn about your food preferences and eating habits. Based on this information, we will work with you to develop a personalized dietary approach, educate you on that specific approach, and discuss the first steps towards achieving your goals.
30-60 minutes
After your initial coaching session, we will work with you to determine your ideal schedule for follow-up sessions, ranging in frequency from multiple times per week to once every few months depending on your specific needs. During follow-up sessions we will review your goals, discuss the strides you have made and the challenges you have faced, and make modifications as needed. These sessions will help to keep you accountable and further optimize your personalized nutrition plan!
1 month of accountability
Whether you are looking for someone to check-in on you daily with your progress, review your meals, or track your ketones/glucose–we have got you covered! Using our Healthie platform, we will communicate with you daily to give you tips and support throughout your nutrition journey.
Time can vary
Interested in having a nutrition professional speak to your group about a specific nutrition topic–We can work with you to create a nutrition presentation to fit your needs. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs and goals for the presentation.
Before you make any commitment to working with us, we offer a complimentary 15 minute Discovery Call. During this call, we will briefly describe our nutrition philosophy and learn about your needs to ensure we are a good match for your nutrition journey.
I am so glad I participated in this clinical trial. The study team has taught me a new way of eating that is healthier for me in many ways aside from any effects it may have on my cancer treatment. My most recent scans showed that my liver METS have regressed and are almost undetectable! I have lost 20 pounds without trying and am off sugar without any cravings. I never thought that would happen!
– Patient A
Teryn and Brandon have been the answer I searched the country for. After my 170 pound weight loss, I started to regain weight very slowly even though I was strictly adherent to my food plan. They have been constant companions in my adopting a ketogenic diet. I am now well on my way to maintaining my healthy lifestyle!